Pressure Washing
in Royal Kunia

Home Pressure
Washing Services

The professionals at Softwash Hawaii are committed to preserving and enhancing your property’s beauty! Our experienced team applies state-of-the-art soft washing methods to keep your residence or commercial space in Royal Kunia immaculate, from the rooftop to the pavement. Unlike conventional pressure washing, our gentle approach ensures a deep clean without the risk of damage, helping to maintain your property’s longevity and visual appeal.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority across all of our services! We utilize biodegradable, eco-friendly cleaning solutions that effectively eliminate grime, mold, algae, and other contaminants while preventing future growth. Our soft washing technique is tough on stains yet gentle on surfaces, ensuring your home or business remains fresh and well-kept. Let us transform your Royal Kunia property and enhance its overall appearance with our professional touch!

Before After
Preventive roof maintenance

Exterior House Cleaning

Routine maintenance is key to preserving your home’s exterior. Constant exposure to the elements can leave surfaces looking aged and dull, especially with the frequent rain showers here in Royal Kunia. Our exterior cleaning solutions effectively eliminate buildup, restoring your home’s pristine condition. From siding and brick to retaining walls and driveways, we handle a variety of surfaces with expert care. Each service begins with a complimentary on-site evaluation to tailor our approach to your property’s specific needs.

Whether you own a house, commercial property, or multi-unit complex in Royal Kunia, our fully licensed and insured team delivers top-tier results. Ensure your property makes a lasting impression with a spotless exterior!

Roof & Solar Panel Maintenance

Keep your roof in top shape and optimize your solar panels’ efficiency with our specialized cleaning services. Over time, dirt, debris, and algae can accumulate on your roof, causing both aesthetic and structural issues if left unchecked. Our gentle yet effective roof cleaning techniques remove contaminants while protecting the integrity of your roofing materials. For properties with solar panels, we ensure maximum energy output by carefully cleaning both the panels and their surroundings. Routine upkeep from experts like ours helps extend the lifespan of your roof and solar panel system!

Our Simple Three Step Process

Working with us is easy as...

Get Your FREE Estimate!

With a focus on transparency. Softwash Hawaii completes a property walk-through, provide a consultation on his/her finding(s), and provide you with your customized estimate prior to departing your property.

Schedule Your Date

Once you have approved the work, we will schedule a date and time convenient for you and our team will complete the work. Our uniformed team will arrive promptly and get to work cleaning your property.

Kick Back & Relax!

Trust in our on-time, dependable, and skilled professionals. All committed to turning your vision into reality. Professionally dressed, background checked, and fully trained experts, you can trust.

Gutter Maintenance

Properly functioning gutters prevent water damage from impacting your property, particularly in Royal Kunia’s rainy climate. Our gutter cleaning services clear out leaves, dirt, and blockages, ensuring efficient drainage. Additionally, we use specialized treatments to prevent the growth of algae and moss, safeguarding your drainage system’s performance. Keep your gutters in peak condition and avoid costly water overflow problems!

Fence, Deck & Surface Cleaning

Enhance your outdoor spaces with our customized cleaning solutions for fences, decks, and other exterior surfaces. Whether you need a patio, poolside area, or fence cleaned, we adjust our methods to suit each material and level of buildup. Our gentle soft washing approach preserves the integrity of wood, vinyl, and other surfaces while reviving their natural beauty. Regular cleaning prevents deterioration and costly repairs, ensuring your outdoor areas remain in excellent condition year-round.

Window Cleaning Services

Sparkling windows make all the difference when enjoying Royal Kunia’s stunning scenery, from the Wai’anae Range on the horizon to the nearby lochs. Our professional window cleaning services provide streak-free results, including for hard-to-reach windows on multi-story properties. If smudges and grime are obscuring your view, let our experts restore clarity and brightness to every pane. Enjoy pristine windows and breathtaking views once again!

Understanding Soft Washing

Soft washing is a safer, eco-conscious alternative to traditional pressure washing. Instead of relying on high-pressure water, this technique uses a low-pressure application combined with specialized cleaning agents to dissolve and eliminate dirt, oxidation, mold, and algae. This method is not only safer for your home or business’s exterior surfaces but also delivers longer-lasting cleanliness. Additionally, soft washing conserves water compared to pressure washing, making it a more sustainable way to enhance your property’s appearance. At Softwash Hawaii, we take pride in offering this innovative solution to residents and businesses throughout Royal Kunia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about our cleaning services? We’ve got you covered!

Every project is unique, so we don’t have a one-size-fits-all pricing method. We price every project individually based on the size of your home and the severity of grime so that you only pay for what you need — nothing more! To get your free, personalized quote, contact us now by giving us a call or clicking on our online quote form!

Between the sun, salty air, and humidity of Royal Kunia’s weather, we recommend scheduling a roof cleaning and maintenance appointment every six to 12 months to maintain the health and integrity of your roof.

After your deck has been professionally cleaned, you’ll generally want to wait at least 48 hours before using it. Walking on it too soon after cleaning can cause issues because the wood isn’t dry yet. If you have questions about this process, give us a call to learn more.

About Royal Kunia, Hawaii

A planned community designed to look like a mini Mililani Mauka, Royal Kunia offers a combination of small neighborhoods and proximity to big-city amenities. This peaceful, clean, and convenient neighborhood welcomes residents with walkable streets, views of the mountains, and easy access to Interstate H1 and everything Oahu has to offer.

Population: 14,896

Elevation: 440 ft.

Top Things to Do in Royal Kunia:

Contact Our Team Today!

For a pristine and well-kept property, trust Softwash Hawaii! Our goal is to enhance the appearance of your home or business while reducing the need for costly repairs through routine maintenance. With tailored solutions designed to fit your property’s unique requirements, we provide comprehensive exterior cleaning services, eliminating the need to hire multiple companies. From roof and window cleaning to professional power washing and commercial building cleaning, we offer everything required to make your property stand out in the neighborhood. Reach out today for a free consultation and estimate for your cleaning needs!

Call Us

Schedule an appointment with us today for a free residential or commercial exterior cleaning estimate! Our experienced team will use proven and specialized Softwash and pressure washing methods to clean your home!